Which book am I talking about????

In the past few weeks I have found I get confused when discussing my own novels. For example, while running a market stall last weekend, I had customers asking me about the content of my novel. “Does anyone get shot?” someone asked (actually a bloke who really isn’t into romance novels–just likes the action).

“Well, yes. The heroine shoots someone.” Then I thought, No! Wrong book.

The book I’m selling and the book I’m editing and the book I’m writing are three different books. My head is often in whichever one I am working on at the time, and that day I was editing my upcoming novel. Then of course, I had to think frantically back to the plot of the book I had on the stall.

Sounds confusing? Definitely. But what happens when I have a few books already published–how mixed up will I be then?  Crazy thought, eh! Can anyone relate?

By the way, the fellow didn’t buy one–he was just giving me a stir–but he tried to convince a friend of his who was there to buy one. Maybe next time. 🙂


Published in: on 22nd January, 2011 at 9:06 am  Comments (1)  

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  1. The computer game I’m playing at the moment has a group of elite warriors who used to ride griffins many years before, but they’ve died out now. Then the book I’ve recently been reading, is all about griffins…now I keep getting the plot lines and characters confused! I was also recommending a book the other day, and realised I was recommending two books simultaneously!

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